Latest News, Traffic Management and Safety

Govt approves funding to finish Cape York upgrades

rcw-news-NorfolkIsland.medFunding of $100.6 million will allow further upgrading of roads and other critical infrastructure on Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula.

This week the Federal Government approved the funding so the remaining projects under the Cape York Region Package can get underway.

According to a statement from Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester, this announcement coincides with expressions of interest being sought for two Peninsula Developmental Road construction projects to be delivered this year.

The approved funds are in addition to the $107.8 million already approved for the Early Works Package on the Peninsula Developmental Road.

Queensland Minister for Main Roads and Road Safety Mark Bailey said in the statement that the Queensland Government had already committed $52.1 million to improve road safety and flood mitigation, and to create local jobs.

“The completion of these projects will improve the safety of Cape York’s road network,” Mr Bailey said.

“The works are helping to strengthen the local economy provide training, jobs and economic development opportunities for local Indigenous communities.

The total $260.5 million Cape York Region Package is being jointly funded with the Australian Government contributing $208.4 million and the Queensland Government $52.1 million.

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