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Proposed New England Hwy realignment could solve multiple problems

A new one-kilometre section on the New England Hwy is being considered to help reduce the impact of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing on residents and reduce construction time.

A new one-kilometre section on the New England Hwy is being considered to help reduce the impact of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing on residents and reduce construction time.A new one-kilometre-long section of the New England Highway, just west of the existing road at Mount Kynoch is being considered to help reduce the impact of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing on residents and reduce construction time.

Queensland Main Roads and Road Safety Minister Mark Bailey said in a statement that the realignment could speed up construction of the $1.6 billion Toowoomba Second Range Crossing.

“Investigations are ongoing to determine the benefits of the realignment and discussions with impacted stakeholders are continuing,” Mr. Bailey said.

“If approved, the alternative solution could save three to four months’ construction time on the cutting through the Toowoomba Range and construction of the bridge on the New England Highway where it crosses over the TSRC.”

Mr. Bailey said Nexus has indicated it was willing to absorb any additional costs because of the potential benefits to the project and road users through reduced impacts on traffic, the time savings, and reduced risks to the water mains running alongside the highway.

“The realignment would eliminate the need to build a temporary diversion road during construction,” he said.

“It is a busy road at this location, carrying almost 20,000 vehicles a day, so a permanent solution would benefit the large number of motorists travelling along this road.

“The temporary road currently planned would have tight curves and the speed limit would have to be reduced substantially, so this alternative option will increase road safety and productivity.

“Building a permanent road also means there will be little or no impact on road users from Highfields and other centres north of Toowoomba.”

Analysis of the benefits of the proposed realignment is ongoing and a decision will be made after all features of the realignment have been considered.

The $1.6 billion Toowoomba Second Range Crossing is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments.

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