The opportunity to undertake postgraduate study in the Australian roads and civil construction sector is an important facet for many industry professionals looking to further their knowledge within their chosen career path.
The Centre for Pavement Engineering Education (CPEE) is one such institution in Australia that facilitates and hones this desire for continued learning. Most recently the organisation has paid tribute to students who have exceeded in these studies.
The annual CPEE Student Excellence Awards give recognition to students who have demonstrated merit in their performance during the academic year, while also undertaking specialist technical postgraduate units offered by the CPEE and its partner tertiary institution – the University of Tasmania.
The latest awards were presented at the Austroads offices in Sydney at the end of February. The award for the “In-situ Stabilisation” Unit, sponsored by AustStab, was presented to James Loney from Durkin Constructions. AustStab CEO Leah Fisher and CPEE CEO Ray Farrelly together with Austroads CEO Nick Koukoulas presented Mr. Loney with the award and $500 courtesy of AustStab.
The specialist postgraduate programs, undertaken by distance learning, are unique in Australia and around the world. The qualification outcomes include a Graduate Certificate and Masters of Pavement Technology, as well as a Bachelor of Engineering in Infrastructure Asset Management and Road Engineering and Construction.
The awards aim to recognise students who have performed at an outstanding level in a particular unit of study.
Ms. Fisher says that these kinds of incentives are inherent of what postgraduate education in the roads and civil space tries to achieve. “Education and collaboration are key pillars to our work. We believe that this award represents a terrific opportunity to support CPEE in achieving those objectives.”
Austroads is a foundation member of the CPEE and funds the development of these pavement technology units.
2015 CPEE Student Excellence Award Winners
• “Pavement Design”, sponsored by MinCad – Muhuntan Ariyaratnam (Roads & Maritime Services)
• “Industrial & Heavy Duty Pavements”, sponsored by MinCad – Davin Slade (Cardno Lane Piper)
• “Flexible Pavement Construction”, sponsored by AAPA – Joel Turner (Wakool Shire Council)
• “Pavement Wearing Surfaces”, sponsored by AAPA – Lizeth De La Hoz Ruiz (Pilbara Port Authority)
• “Asphalt Mix Design”, sponsored by AAPA – Daniel Johnstone (LCJ Engineers)
• “Road Maintenance”, sponsored by Roads Australia – Jordan Poor (Town of Mosman)
• “Introduction to Pavements”, sponsored by Austroads – Krishneel Naraya (BECA)
• “Fundamentals of Roads Construction”, sponsored by Austroads – Anna Bartel (Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure)
• “In-situ Stabilisation”, sponsored by AustStab – James Loney (Durkin Construction)
• “Pavement Management”, sponsored by Roads Australia – Shoukry Marzouk (ARRB)
• “Pavement Management”, sponsored by Roads Australia – Jason Theakstone (Orange City Council)
• “Asset Management Fundamentals”, sponsored by IPWEA – Louise Hudson (Mandurah City Council)
• “Asset Management Practices”, sponsored by IPWEA – Babeedran Palanivel (Sutherland Shire Council)
• “Infrastructure Financial Management”, sponsored by IPWEA – Brianna Aris (City of Albany)