Industry News, Latest News, New South Wales

Additional funding announced for Parramatta Light Rail

Community input to shape final design of Parramatta Light Rail Stage Two

An additional $200 million in funding has been announced for the second stage of the Parramatta Light Rail project in New South Wales.

Parramatta Light Rail Stage Two will connect the Parramatta CBD to Sydney Olympic Park via the growing communities of Camellia, Rydalmere, Ermington, Melrose Park and Wentworth Point. The 10-kilometre extension will include 14 new light rail stops that will provide residents with a public transport link and unlock future housing growth.

Construction of the project will be phased, with the first phase being the construction of a 320-metre-long light rail and active transport bridge over the Parramatta River between Wentworth Point and Melrose Park. Work on the new bridge will begin in 2024 and will be part of a new 8.5 kilometre walking and bike riding path that will run alongside the new light rail corridor.


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The new funding follows the announcement of changes to the initial alignment. These changes include Camellia foreshore to Rydalmere alignment and bridge amendment, bridge and route alignment between Melrose Park and Wentworth Point and replacing the existing bridge at Hill Road. These changes follow the conclusion of the project’s Environmental Impact Statement.

The additional funding forms part of the Restart NSW reserved funding in the 2023-24 NSW Budget.

Planning approval for the full project is expected in early 2024, and procurement is now underway for the Wentworth to Melrose bridge construction works package.

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