Industry News, Latest News, Safety

AfPA: Nurturing a safer sector

AfPA’s 2024 New South Wales Safety Forum facilitated opening dialogue for stakeholders across industry around safety issues and opportunities. Images: AfPA.

The Australian Flexible Pavement Association (AfPA) hosted the NSW Safety Forum, uniting industry in its commitment and collective action to support the safety and well-being of the sector’s workforce and the community.

At both the national and state levels, AfPA recognises the need and opportunity to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration among subject matter experts, practitioners, and stakeholders from across industry.

Held at Waterview Homebush in Sydney on June 6, the 2024 Australian Flexible Pavement Association’s NSW Safety Forum acknowledged the dynamic nature of flexible pavement maintenance and construction work. It underscored the paramount importance of ensuring the continuous progress of safety measures and practices for road workers and the travelling public. 

The gathered attendees comprised over 100 industry leaders and the central focus of the Forum was to address significant safety concerns prevalent in these sectors and to facilitate an extensive exchange of insights and ideas among stakeholders. There was also a strong emphasis on the vital requirement for inter-industry collaboration to effectively address these safety concerns.

A number of interrelated topics were raised and discussed as part of the event.
A number of interrelated topics were raised and discussed as part of the event.

Key issues examined during the Forum encompassed the separation of worksites, workers, public traffic, individuals, and plant and equipment. These considerations closely align with the National Health and Safety Committee and its Safety Priorities Strategy and Actions established by AfPA.

Lise Sperling, AfPA’s NSW and ACT State Executive Director and Head of Federal Advocacy and Government Relations, delivered an address at the Forum, reaffirming AfPA’s unwavering commitment to advancing road worksite safety.

“The day is about the collective resolve and commitment by our industry to address profoundly serious issues concerning the safety and well-being of our people and the community,” Sperling says. “AfPA is immensely proud to lead this cross-industry safety exchange. I am filled with confidence and optimism, looking at the resounding response to this Forum and the far-reaching, evidence-based and passionate discussions so far.”


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She highlighted the importance of open collaboration, stressing that safety insights should be shared transparently across the industry. 

“There is no IP in safety,” says Sperling. “Sharing leading practices among members should not be viewed as a commercial advantage but rather as a means to enhance safety standards for all – that everyone is entitled to get home safely.” 

The Forum was framed around three fundamental principles: transparency, ownership, and action. Participants engaged in discussions that challenged current practices and standards while sharing insights and experiences openly. 

The Forum functioned as a catalyst for industry and government, featuring interactive sessions addressing specific challenges and opportunities within New South Wales. It also provided a platform for exploring emerging practices and technologies with the potential for national application in the future.

Throughout the day-long Forum, numerous outstanding presentations were delivered. Of particular note was the presentation by Matt Fuller, Deputy Secretary for Regional and Outer Metropolitan at Transport for New South Wales, outlining the New South Wales Government’s priorities. This presentation allowed attendees to scrutinise improving safety within and around these projects. Transport for NSW played a pivotal role at the Forum by actively contributing to in-depth discussions covering a wide range of topics. 

AfPA will continue to engage with industry and implement and action the feedback received at the Forum. AfPA intends to facilitate similar events in other jurisdictions across Australia. 

This article was originally published in the August edition of our magazine. To read the magazine, click here.

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