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Total Rockbreaking Solutions - WA

10 Ferguson Street

Kewdale, WA

Total Rockbreaking Solutions - WA Visit website


Title SIMEX PL45.20
Type Road Construction
Sub Type Profilers
Model PL45.20
Hire Rate $2,200 per week
Listing Type Used
Stock Number S91
RefCode TA1255390
Operator Available No
Transport Available No
Pass Width - mm450
Depth of cut - mm150
Operating Weight - kg750


SIMEX Planer PL45.20 features Self-Levelling system (Simex patent) that ensures you can maintain constant milling depth in any condition regardless of the ground contour as lateral slides on the planer automatically align to the milling surface. Other features:

- Lateral support slides guarantee max stability and no vibration
- Minimal material spill outs
- Hydraulic side shift ensures perfect surfaces with side-by-side passes
- Built-in water tank reduces dust
- Drums in different widths and teeth available for various applications
- Maximum safety and optimal visibility for the operator

You can fit the SIMEX Self-Levelling Planer PL45.20 onto skid steer loaders.

As the authorised dealer in WA for Rammer, Simex, ALLU, PneuVibe, Daehan, Steelwrist and TEFRA, we can ensure that our existing and new customers receive the industrys highest-quality support, while enjoying the industry leading performance and reliability they have grown to expect from these products.

A great range of genuine tools, parts, consumables and accessories are readily
available in our warehouse.