Entries are now open for Victoria’s 15th Premier’s Sustainability Awards.
The state’s leaders in sustainability are being invited to enter this year’s awards to share their insights with people, organisations and companies across Victoria.
Sustainability Victoria CEO Stan Krpan the awards were a great way to recognise the state’s sustainability talent.
“The bar gets higher every year. We’re delighted to see increasingly diverse and interesting ways that people are working hard to combat the effects of climate change and improve the environment,” said Mr. Krpan.
“Community groups, schools, state and local government, businesses and individuals with a commitment to sustainability are encouraged to enter these awards.
“We want to recognise them and their wonderful work, and hopefully inspire others to think about their own environmental contributions.”
The Built Environment category applies to the wider road and civil infrastructure construction sector, acknowledging ‘Excellence in the contribution to sustainable infrastructure, buildings and precincts’.
A wide array of infrastructure is eligible for entry, including: projects at planning, design, construction and operations stages; individual buildings, precincts, master planned communities and mixed use developments; new builds, re-imagining of existing form, deep renovations and fit out; and all built infrastructure such as transport, water, sewerage, energy and telecommunications.
The award categories include: Built Environment; Community; Education; Environmental Justice; Environmental Protection; Government; Health; Innovative Products or Services; Large Business; and Small and Medium Enterprises.
As well as awards in each category, the Premier will select two overall winners for the Premier’s Regional Recognition and the top award, the Premier’s Recognition Award.
Entries close Wednesday, 21 June 2017.
For more information about how to enter the awards and to attend an information session go to www.sustainabilityawards.vic.gov.au