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Evolution of skills with TAFE Enterprise

New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has found the total construction work done has fallen by 2.6 per cent in the December quarter of 2019.

New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has found the total construction work done has fallen by 2.6 per cent in the December quarter of 2019.Current skill shortages paired with increasing digitisation are raising concerns for the infrastructure sector’s future. TAFE Enterprise training solutions are aimed to support organisations in reskilling and upskilling the sector when and where it is needed.

The infrastructure industry is facing unprecedented change thanks to rapid advances in technology, an increase in the complexity of projects and an increasing demand for soft skills.

Coupled with these changes currently high volumes of activity in the infrastructure sector are creating skills shortages.

The current skills shortages and rapidly approaching evolution of skills in the infrastructure sector will prompt organisations to respond to change and prioritise consistent reskilling and upskilling for success.

The ‘Evolution of Skills: Thought Leadership Report’ by TAFE Enterprise explores the infrastructure workforce’s transformation, offering a pragmatic view.

It states currently there are high volumes of activity already creating significant skills shortages, while the increased digitisation of the sector and the emergence of Industry 4.0 processes in the future will require a significant influx of new workers over the next decade.

This will also present the necessity for extensive reskilling of current workers. There will be a need for training in organisations to enable businesses to keep up with future trends and continue to be successful.

The article recognises, in its current state, the infrastructure sector faces challenges in attracting new workers, especially female workers, and an aging workforce. It also recognises that digitisation of processes and equipment requires immediate increase in the workforce’s digital literacy.

Future skills for careers such as data analysts and mechatronic engineers will be needed to power the workforce forward digitally. The report suggests different providers and agencies will need to interact seamlessly, improving soft skills such as systems thinking, collaboration and problem solving.

Internet of Things sensors, autonomous drones and vehicles, augmented reality simulators and building information modelling (BIM) systems are just some of the technological developments that will prompt the reskilling of the existing workforce and new role creation.

While future developments put pressure on the current industry, the report highlights opportunities for businesses in the infrastructure sector and the importance of training existing and future workers to optimise business success.

Structured career development programs for new or younger employees is recognised as one option. Raising digital literacy through e-learning skill development programs industry-wide and developing cross skilling programs to enhance current employee skills are also suggested in the report to help businesses stay on top of changes.

TAFE Enterprise offers a wide range of flexible, customised and short courses in a multitude of different areas, including leadership and management, technology, digital, and risk and compliance for companies.

Training courses are designed to help infrastructure companies stay ahead of imminent changes in the workforce. The courses are conducted by expert industry trainers using the latest practices and technology to deliver training when needed.

Click here for more information about the training solutions offered by TAFE Enterprise.

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