This week the Federal Government has provided the environmental approval for Stage 2 of the $16.8 billion WestConnex project, giving the New South Wales Government the green light to start construction.
The multi-billion-dollar project will deliver improved connections to Sydney’s CBD, inner west and airport for people in the city’s west and southwest.
Stage 2 of WestConnex involves the construction of twin tunnels approximately 9 kilometres in length between Beverley Hills and St Peters, Sydney.
Only Stage 2 of WestConnex was referred for Commonwealth environmental approval. Stage 1 is already under construction and Stage 3 is yet to commence.
The environmental approval follows a thorough assessment process and period of public consultation.
Conditions on the approval under national environmental law endorse those imposed as part of approval under the New South Wales development consent.
These include comprehensive conditions to secure offsets for the critically endangered Cooks River / Castlereagh Ironbark Forest ecological community and Green and Golden Bell Frog.
This includes a captive breeding plan for the Green and Golden Bell Frog and the construction and maintenance of additional habitat.