Population and economic growth will cause increasing congestion and bottlenecks on Australia’s roads, according to the nation’s first-ever comprehensive infrastructure audit.
Infrastructure Australia has released the Australian Infrastructure Audit Report, and Infrastructure Australia Chairman Mark Birrell said that Australia must act now before these pressures affect the country’s living standards and economic competitiveness.
“Experiences of transport networks failing to keep pace with demand, water quality standards being uneven, energy costs being too high, telecommunication services being outdated, or freight corridors being neglected are now so common that they necessitate a strategic response,” he said.
The Audit identified what’s driving infrastructure demand, and what policy, funding and delivery challenged Australia faces.
The report makes 81 findings including that:
- Australia’s population is expected to grow from 22.3 million in 2011 to 30.5 million in 2031—with the majority of the growth occurring in our capital cities.
- The expected population growth reinforces the economic importance of our capital cities. They contributed $854 billion to our economy in 2011 and are projected to contribute $1,621 billion in 2031.
- Congestion threatens economic growth and living standards and could cost Australia $53 billion by 2031.
- Without action, road travel times in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra are expected to increase by at least 20 per cent in the most congested corridors by 2031.
- On average, demand for public transport in our capital cities is set to almost double over the next 20 years.
- Hot spots such as the Pilbara and Gladstone also merit close attention. Today they contribute $44 billion to the national economy. By 2031 this is projected to more than double to $110 billion.
- The national land freight task is expected to grow by 80 per cent between by 2031, with a large component expected to be handled by road freight vehicles.
- Maintaining and maximising the efficiency of existing infrastructure will be critical, and in many cases will be of equal or greater importance as developing new infrastructure projects.
The Audit proposes a number of major changes to the way we plan and deliver new infrastructure. This includes improving governance and modernising regulatory settings, boosting transparency and project assessment processes, and a greater sharing of information.
Infrastructure Australia will be consulting with the public, governments, business and peak bodies on the Audit as it prepares the Australian Infrastructure Plan.
The 15 year Plan will make recommendations on project investment priorities, with a reinvigorated Infrastructure Priority List, and specific areas for policy reform.
The Plan will be submitted to government in late 2015.