The Australian Road Forum’s Annual Summit is the peak annual gathering for the major stakeholders in Australia’s road industry. Ian Webb the Executive Director of the ARF is pleased to announce that the 2007 Roads Summit will be held in Sydney on 19/20 June 2007
Ian has stated that the 2007 Summit will determine the direction for Australia’s road infrastructure and that your active participation is therefore keenly sought.
ARF Membership comprises the key players in road transport, including major industry associations, road authorities, road contractors and consultants, material and equipment suppliers, and toll-road operators amongst others.
This Summit will attract the executive staff of the major roading organisations in Australia including from Road Authorities, Private Roadways, major contractors and consultants all of whom are members of the ARF.
If you are part of the Australian road industry and want to foster relationships at the most senior level, you must attend. Participate in the Summit and help shape Australia’s future. Non-members are welcome to attend
The strategic-level 2007 Summit will focus on the key issues in the financing, development, provision and operation of road infrastructure, and will include presentations from government organisations, infrastructure owners, consultants and road user organisations.
The organizing committee includes senior representatives from the State Road Authorities as well as the private sector. The program will address both public and private roads.
More information on the Summit can be found at Please register now online at this website to receive the Summit Brochure.
If you are interested in the Summit in terms of Speaking, Sponsorship or Exhibition please contact Scott Matthews who is convening the 2007 on behalf of the ARF:
Scott Matthews, BE MIEAust CPEng
ARF National Roads Summit Convenor
Ph: (03) 8534 5004
If you are interested in speaking please submit an abstract of your suggested presentation by January 19, 2007 so that it can be considered by the Speaking Sub-committee.