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Joint funding to improve TAS road safety

Joint funding between the Federal and Tasmanian governments will aim to improve safety on targeted regional roads through the Road Safety Program.

Joint funding between the Federal and Tasmanian governments will aim to improve safety on targeted regional roads through the Road Safety Program.

The funding will be shared by five priority projects, which includes a variety of upgrades including shoulder sealing, junction realignment and installation of traffic signals that will improve road safety for local communities and travellers across the state.

Junction alignments and shoulder sealing upgrades provide key safety improvements to reduce lane departure crashes, which have been the main cause of serious injuries and deaths on Tasmanian roads.

The five projects in question are: installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Brooker Highway and Foreshore Road in Montrose, realigning the junction at Waddles Road and Pipers River Road near Karoola, road widening and creating a right-turn lane at the intersection of Midland Highway and Lake Leake Highway in Campbell Town, realigning Frankford Road and Chapel Road at Harford into a T-junction, as well as shoulder sealing on a section of Sheffield Main Road.


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The Australian Government is providing $22 million towards the projects under the Road Safety Program, with the Tasmanian Government contributing $5.5 million.

Through the program, Tasmania will also provide valuable road safety data that will help shape future policy and further road safety improvements for everyone using the nation’s roads.

Tasmanian Minister for Transport, Eric Abetz said collaboration between the Federal and Tasmanian governments is helping to reduce fatal and serious road accidents across the state.

“Not only do these road safety upgrades help reduce the number of crashes on Tasmania’s road network, they also reduce the ongoing cost of maintaining these sections of road by prolonging the life of the road surfaces,” he said.

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