Significant progress is being made on two major road projects – both set to reduce congestion and improve safety – in north west Sydney.
“Christmas has come early for local and visiting road users with reduced travel times and increased safety on a new section of Richmond Road opened to traffic,” said Minister of Roads, Maritime and Freight Duncan Gay in a statement in November.
“The NSW Government has already spent $39 million on the first stage of upgrade work on Richmond Road between Bells Creek and Townson Road, which was completed last year – with $96 million allocated for this current upgrade section, that is a historic $135 million government investment into Richmond Road.
“We can also announce the preferred route has been selected for the Denmark Link Road upgrade which will cut delays at a nearby well-known congestion hotspot in Riverstone,” he said.
An large program of NSW Government roadwork is being planned and delivered in the North West Growth Centre to support new residential and industrial centres in the area, which will see more than 70,000 new homes built in coming years.
The current 2.9 kilometre upgrade of Richmond Road runs from Townson Road to 900 metres north of Garfield Road West and is expected to be is complete by late next year.