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Mandatory minimum rates for tip truck owner-drivers on Victorian construction projects

The Federal Government is inviting the heavy vehicle industry to submit proposals on how best to trial a user-pays system designed to fund upgrades to Australia’s road freight networks.

Tip truck owner-drivers working on new government contracts will receive mandatory minimum pay rates due to new laws introduced in Victoria.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas has announced that mandatory minimum rates would apply to all state government construction projects where contracts are yet to be awarded.The Victorian Transport Authority (VTA) has called for the introduction of a Victorian Freight Authority to advise the State Government on the unique needs of the infrastructure and transport industries.

Pay scheduled approved by the Transport Industry Council will be used to ensure a consistent approach across the tip truck sector.

These schedules aim to provide a basis for determining appropriate rates which can be adjusted to address site specific safety or working requirements.

To maintain flexibility in contracting agreements, tip truck owner-drivers will be able to receive hourly or contract rates.

The Victorian government aims to reduce the economic factors that encourage owner-drivers to engage in unsafe driving practices, like driving too long without a rest, which can compromise road safety.

Government agencies will enforce mandatory minimum pay rates through their contract management processes.

Mr Pallas said the breakthrough will make life easier for hard-working owner-drivers, ensuring they are paid properly for the important work they do.

“Better pay will reduce the incentive to drive long hours just to make ends meet, improving safety for everyone on our roads,” he said.

“We’re ensuring tip truck owner-drivers share in the prosperity our pipeline of construction projects is creating across Victoria.”

Victorian Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan said, “We know that we need to attract more people into the industry and improve standards, that’s why we’re investing in a review into driver training and standards and working with industry on training programs.”

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