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Preferred route selected for NSW bypass

The future of the New England Highway bypass of Singleton in New South Wales has been decided with $92 million to be funded towards the project upgrade.

The future of the New England Highway bypass of Singleton in New South Wales has been decided with $92 million to be funded towards the project upgrade.The future of the New England Highway bypass of Singleton in New South Wales has been decided with $92 million to be funded towards the project upgrade.

“The preferred option involves building a new section of highway west of Singleton starting near Newington Lane and rejoining the New England Highway north of McDougalls Hill,” said Michael Johnsen MP, Member for Upper Hunter.

“The route was selected after RMS displayed three options late last year and carried out technical investigations which included flood modelling.

“The selected route would provide the best functional, social and environmental outcomes for both our local community, and the project.”

Johnsen said the upgrade involves building nine kilometres of new highway including a potential 3.1 kilometre bridge over the Main Northern Railway, Doughboy Hollow and Hunter River floodplains.

“Potential interchanges would be built to the north and south of Singleton and another at Putty Road to provide access to the town centre,” he said. “The newly selected route would also provide flood immunity along the new highway for a one in 20 year flood event.

“The preferred route corridor will be included in Singleton Council’s Local Environment Plan, reserving the land for future construction of the bypass.”

Mr Johnsen said timing for construction of the bypass has not been confirmed and would be subject to approval and funding availability.

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