Industry News, Latest News, Victoria

Public feedback driving SRL East

The feedback of thousands of Victorians has now been incorporated in the Suburban Rail Loop’s (SRL) ‘Visions’, helping to shape the neighborhoods around six SRL East stations.

The feedback of thousands of Victorians has now been incorporated in the Suburban Rail Loop’s (SRL) ‘Visions’, helping to shape neighbourhoods around the six SRL East stations.

Suburban Rail Loop is a 90-kilometre orbital rail line that will help transform the way Melbourne grows, improving travel efficiency for more than 80 per cent of Melburnians and take more than 600,000 cars off the roads every day.

After several years of listening to communities, the new ‘Visions’ set out the ambitions for each area – which was backed by extensive feedback by locals.

In Box Hill, people said they want better connections, and the vision for Box Hill now includes more links between Surrey Park, Box Hill Central, Box Hill Gardens and the hospital, which will improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

In Burwood, the community told us they would like more recreation and open space, and the vision for Burwood now gives greater emphasis to the Gardiners Creek corridor.


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Across Glen Waverley, there was a desire for greater housing choice and affordability, and in response the vision for Glen Waverley now identifies even more areas for diverse housing options.

In Monash, people want the new town centre around the SRL station to be a hub for night-time activities, and the vision for Monash now reflects the importance of a mix of uses in this area.

Across Clayton, we heard there is a need for more social and affordable housing, and student accommodation, and the vision for Clayton now prioritises more areas for housing growth.

While in Cheltenham, people overwhelmingly support the need to retain and enhance open space, and the vision for Cheltenham emphasises the need to upgrade Sir William Fry Reserve.

Draft structure plans, which will include detail on land use and building heights, will go on public exhibition for community input early next year and are expected to be finalised in 2026.

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