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Traffic signal milestone in WA

Western Australian is now the first state to have all traffic signals operating with LED displays following the recent completion of a six-year program to convert all lights to LED.

Western Australian is now the first state to have all traffic signals operating with LED displays following the recent completion of a six-year program to convert all lights to LED.Western Australia is now the first state to have all traffic signals operating with LED displays following the recent completion of a six-year program to convert all lights to LED.

WA Transport Minister Dean Nalder said in a statement that Main Roads WA was leading the nation with the implementation of a number of innovative and sustainable initiatives being applied at signalised intersections throughout the state.

“The conversion to the more efficient and cost-effective LED displays on all traffic signals will deliver ongoing substantial savings, with an estimated 75 per cent reduction in power consumption,” he said.

The incentive comes under the state’s Main Roads Traffic Congestion Management Program, which covers a number of other successful improvements to traffic signal operations.

These include: 12 extra pedestrian countdown timers installed; flashing yellow caution lights for a turning traffic trial at five locations; right-turn filtering trial at six sites on Canning Highway; and improved traffic signal timings at 93 intersections along nine key traffic routes across the Perth metropolitan area.

“This is really just the start.  We are moving into new territory with our traffic signals and looking at ways we can improve our operations. This year, our traffic signal timing improvement project will expand to include 201 traffic signals over 20 routes,” said Mr. Nalder.

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