The Australian Government has announced the successful tenderer to deliver widening and other improvements to the Tullamarine Freeway between Melbourne Airport and Bulla Road.
Federal Minister for Major Projects, Territories and Local Government Paul Fletcher last week released a statement that Lendlease had been awarded the contract for the upgrade.
“The works will involve widening and upgrading the freeway between Melbourne Airport and Melrose Drive,” he said. “Once completed, this project will reduce congestion by increasing capacity on the corridor by up to 30 per cent, cutting travel times and improving safety.”
The overall CityLink Tulla project involves the construction of an additional lane in each direction along the section, a major upgrade to the Mickelham Road interchange, and the reconstruction and widening of the English Street bridge. The project is expected to create 1400 direct and indirect jobs.
Major constriction is expected to being on the Melbourne Airport to Bulla Road section by mid-2016.