Applications for the Victorian Government’s $4.5 million Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Transport Technology Grants Program are now open.
Companies, industry bodies and other organisations can now apply for a grant to trial projects that support the development and innovation of ITS and transport technologies and products that benefit the state and wider Australian community.
The grants leverage and explore existing advanced ITS technology that have the capabilities to meet current and future transport infrastructure needs.
Through the program, VicRoads will work with industry to develop technologies aimed at reducing traffic congestion, improving traffic flow, reduce road crashes, improve integrations between transport mode, environmental sustainability and more.
The grants will also extensive research and trials and provide an opportunity to showcase new innovation at the 2016 ITES World Congress in Melbourne in October.
The program is funded as part of the $13.3 million Smarter Journey package announced in the State’s 2015-16 Budget.
Application close Friday, 15 April and successful candidates will be announced in late May.
To apply, visit