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Vital safety upgrades for Goulburn Valley Hwy

The Victorian Government is investing $18.5 million on safety upgrades for the Goulburn Valley Highway between Molesworth and Yea.

The Victorian Government is investing $18.5 million on safety upgrades for the Goulburn Valley Highway between Molesworth and Yea.The Victorian Government is investing $18.5 million on safety upgrades for the Goulburn Valley Highway between Molesworth and Yea.

According to a statement from Victorian Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan, this 10-kilometre section of the highway has been the site of five deaths and 13 injuries over the past five years.

Wire rope barriers will be installed down the centre of a 10-kilometre section of the highway as part of the upgrade. Additional safety measures include:

  • Approximately 20 openings in the to cater for property access and emergency services.
  • Provision of additional overtaking opportunities.
  • Safe local access to properties.
  • A left-hand side barrier at high risk locations to protect motorists from trees and steep drop-offs.
  • Both the centreline and left-hand barriers will be installed with motorcycle friendly treatments in higher risk areas.
  • Variable message signage.
  • A new crossing across the Native Dog Creek on the old highway alignment

“The installation of wire rope barriers down the centre of the Goulburn Valley Highway will help prevent head-on crashes and reduce the severity of the impact on the vehicle,” said Mr. Donnellan in the statement.

“This will stop vehicles crossing into oncoming traffic, providing added protection for motorists from death or serious injury when a mistake is made.”

The speed limit was reduced to 80km/h in April last year due to a high number of crashes. Once the project is completed the speed limit will be returned to 100 km/h.

Work on the first two-kilometre section of the project is due to start in mid-April. This is being funded as part of the Transport Accident Commission’s $1 billion Safe System Road Infrastructure Program.

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