A $6 million project to construct nearly two kilometres of new 500mm diameter wastewater pipeline is underway within the City of Logan in south east Queensland.
The new pipeline is being delivered to help transport growing wastewater flows from Logan’s eastern catchment to the Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant more than three kilometres away.
The project is being managed by Logan Water Alliance – a team that has successfully delivered more than $200 million of new water and wastewater infrastructure for council over the past five years.
Logan Water Alliance (LWA) is a public-private sector enterprise comprising Logan City Council and engineering service providers Tenix, Parsons Brinckerhoff and Cardno.
All works are expected to be completed by May 2015, weather and construction conditions permitting.
Council’s Roads and Water Infrastructure Committee Chair, Don Petersen, said the population growth in the city’s eastern catchment meant an upgrade of the local wastewater network had become a priority.
“There are a number of new developments nearing completion in Bethania and Waterford, and several more planned within the next few years,” Cr Petersen said.
“Current estimates indicate that upon ultimate development of the area, Logan’s eastern catchment will have grown by more than 55 per cent.”